Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Big News From Mike and Elaine


Mike and Elaine in Sardegna, Italy, September 2022

Sent via email February 7, 2023

Hi family and friends,

We think it’s prime time to fill you in on our plans and thoughts worth sharing out loud.


First, we have both retired! Professional careers are done and dusted. Will we ever work for pay again? Maybe. But we have no interest in resuming corporate life.

Second, we are moving out of the wonderful SF Bay Area, where we both grew up and have gratefully lived in for most of our lives. Where are we moving? We’re taking our greatly reduced stuff to our cabin on Decourcy Island in British Columbia, Canada

As of today, we plan to sell our home in Portola Valley, CA. It goes on this wacky housing market, fingers crossed, February 14. 

WHAT WE WILL DO IN 2023-2024

We’re moving our 32 Nordic Tug to Puget Sound, Washington. Up we’ll toot to Decourcy after outfitting it for a cruise to Alaska and back. Our plan is to do an Alaska cruise in our tug during the summer 2023 reaching up to Glacier Bay and back. Then, we’ll sell the tug as we prepare for the next adventure.

In fall 2023 we’ll shop for a larger trawler where we’ll live full-time for a year’s long voyage: The Great Loop


After The Loop, we would like to enjoy our Decourcy cabin up to half a year during the summer months. We will be updating the antiquated off-grid equipment/systems in 2025. Where else we find ourselves during colder months in the U.S. is TBD. All ideas considered—where do you think we should live?


We will commit to writing a short, interesting travelogue. Details on that to come. 

Thanks for your support on our upcoming adventures. Feel free to call, text or email us. We plan to stay in touch with you. 


Elaine & Mike

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